ERC faculty and students visit ORNL for a day long seminar and lab tours

Oak Ridge, Nov 11, 2008

Dr. Dhananjay Kumar, a co-leader of ES-III task of ERC at NCAT  took a group of NCAT graduate and undergraduate students to Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for a day long seminar and lab tours. The seminar lectures were given by worldwide recognized ORNL scientists in their respective areas. The speakers were Dr. David Christen, Dr. Thomas Thundat, and Dr. Stephen Pennycook.

The lectures were followed by tours to the lab of these three scientists when the students had opportunities to see several state-of-the-art fabrication and characterization equipment in the area of nano and biomaterials such as TEM, STEM (Dr. Pennycook’s Lab), high temperature superconducting tape fabrication equipment (Dr. Christen’s Lab) and, fabrication of MEMS and NEMS based chemical and bio sensors systems.

The students enjoyed every moment at ORNL and were greatly impressed with your knowledge and accomplishments in the field and facilities. This kind of interaction gives the young students a very different perspective and respect for advanced research.