Cindy Kornegay Waters
Department of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
North Carolina A&T State University, E-mail:
Professional Preparation:
2001-2004 PhD Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University
1984-1985 MS Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech
1980-1984 BS Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech
2005-present Adjunct Associate Professor- Director of Engineering Education Research for College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University.
2001-2004 Research Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University
1997-2001 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University: Continued Development of Mechanical Engineering Laboratories. Taught: Materials Science, Fluids lab, Strength of Materials Lab and others.
1990-1997 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Developed Mechanical Engineering Laboratories and coordinated writing of the Manual. Taught: Materials Science, Manufacturing Processes, Fluids lab, Strength of Materials Lab and others.
1987-1990 Research Associate/ Adjunct Instructor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina, Taught Classes in Materials Science, Mechanical Metallurgy and Strength of Materials.
1987-1989 Coordinator of Summer High School Engineering Outreach, Partners for Engineering Education, School of Engineering, University of South Carolina
1985-1990 Research Associate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of South Carolina Designed and implemented Mechanical Materials experiments in the areas of J-integral testing
1984-1985 Research Assistant, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech
Selected Publications:
- C. Waters, “Re-Designing Material Science for Millennial Student Learning”, paper accepted to, ERM Division, ASEE 2009.
- Gary, Bailey, C. Waters, “Teaching First Year Students Analytical Reasoning Utilizing Interdisciplinary Methods”, paper accepted to, First Year Programs Division, ASEE 2009.
- C. Waters, D. Pai, A. Stewart , “The Games We Play, Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment from a 9-12 Engineering Camp”, paper accepted to ASEE Annual Meeting, June 2008.
- A. Kupera, C. Waters, “Bridging the Gap Between Engineering and Math Courses: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Project”, proposal submitted 2007 Lilly South Conference on College and University Teaching
- M. Saad, C. Waters, “Expanding Life Long Learning Skills in Mechanical Engineering Laboratory Courses with Active Learning Modules (ALMs)”, abstract accepted to ASEE 2007, Annual Meeting, Hawaii, June 2007.
- C. Waters, “Engineering is Life: Storytelling in the Material Science Classroom”, abstract accepted to ASEE 2007, Annual Meeting, Hawaii, June 2007.
- G. Young, Z. Xu, R. Gukan, C. Waters, J. Sankar, “Deposition of Yttrium Doped Strontium Cerate Thin Films by Combustion Chemical Vapor Deposition”, 30th International Conference & Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, January 22-27, 2006.
- C. Waters, Z. Xu, G. Rajaram., J. Sankar, “Preparation of Porous Nitinol Material by Hot-Isostatic Pressing”, ASM Medical Devices Conference, Nov. 2005.
- R. Gupta, C.Waters, A. Kelkar, J. Sankar, “ALN-TIN NANO THIN FILM MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION THROUGH 3-D NON-LINEAR FINITE ELEMENT MODELING”, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Engineered Wood Composites, 07/05.
Synergistic Activities:
- Collaborate with faculty member on research with a cutting edge modeling program for micro materials properties, entitled OOFs.
- Meet weekly with students and faculty in the biology department in hopes of collaborations with both departments. Worked with Dr. Greg Goins in the Department of Biology to propose funding though the biotech grants. The title of the proposal is “A Systems Biology Bridge for Multi-Disciplinary Biotechnology Research Projects”. The objective of this proposal is “to provide a virtual modeling and visualization platform that integrates cooperative research and training links between biology, computer science, engineering, and mathematics at North Carolina A&T State University.”
- November of 2008 accepted a joint appointment in the newly starting Biomedical Engineering department. We have been meeting regularly to plan the curriculum and program for both an undergraduate and graduate degree.
- Intense involvement in research, and developmental activities focused on the improvement of engineering education at the college level. I have begun research and grant writing in the area of Engineering Education. I have been PI or co-PI of several grants focused on engineering education, including 2 CCLI awards, a Department of Education lab improvement grant proposal, a Biotech/Engineering education collaborative grant, and I worked with a group of other faculty on a NSF proposal entitled; Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education (NUE) which was funded and we are currently working with.
- I have worked closely with a variety of Engineering education colleagues from around the country as college liaison for their projects and on planning and implementing new research projects. These faculty have included Dr. Sheri Sheppard, Dr. Trevor Harding, Dr. Cindy Finelli, and others. Dr. Sheppard and I along with a colleague, Dr. Gay Davis are working closely at the moment to frame a research activity looking at impacting faculty conversations utilizing data from extensive nation-wide student surveys.
Collaborators & Other Affiliations
- Dr. Sheri Sheppard, Stanford University, Collaborate on a Workshop and future paper
- Dr. Trevor Harding, Served as COE liaison to help them administer an NSF grant ethics Survey to NCA&T student s and faculty.
- Dr. Cindy Finelli, Served as COE liaison to help them administer an NSF grant ethics Survey to NCA&T student s and faculty.
- Dr. Steven Krause, Arizona State, Collaborate on grants and publications together
- Dr. Greg Goins, NCA&T Biology department, Collaborate on grants together
- Dr. Alexandra Kurepa, NCA&T Math department, Collaborate on a paper together