Publication details

Authors: Zhao, N.; Workman, B.; Zhu, D. 
Title: Endothelialization of novel magnesium-rare earth alloys with fluoride and collagen coating 
Type: Journal Article 
Publisher: Int J Mol Sci 
Year: 2014 
Volume: 15 
Start Page: 5263 
End Page: 5276 
DOI: 10.3390/ijms15045263 
Abstract: Magnesium (Mg) alloys are promising scaffolds for the next generation of cardiovascular stents because of their better biocompatibility and biodegradation compared to traditional metals. However, insufficient mechanical strength and high degradation rate are still the two main limitations for Mg materials. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) treatment and collagen coating were used in this research to improve the endothelialization of two rare earth-based Mg alloys. Results demonstrated that a nanoporous film structure of fluoride with thickness of ~20 microm was formed on the Mg material surface, which improved the corrosion resistance. Primary human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) had much better attachment, spreading, growth and proliferation (the process of endothelialization) on HF-treated Mg materials compared to bare- or collagen-coated ones.