2016-2017 Research Highlights

  • Publications that result from Center-supported Projects (total=40):

- In peer-reviewed technical journals: 35

- In peer-reviewed conference proceedings: 5

- In trade journals: 0

  • With multiple authors (total=39):

- co-authored with ERC students: 33

- co-authored with industry: 10

- with authors from multiple engineering disciplines: 19

- with authors from both engineering and non-engineering fields: 18

- with authors from multiple institutions: 21

  • Publications that result from Associated Projects in the Strategic Plan (total=8):

- In peer-reviewed technical journals: 5

- In peer-reviewed conference proceedings: 2

- Books and in book chapters: 1

  • Publications that result from Sponsored Projects (total=5):

- In peer-reviewed technical journals: 5

- In peer-reviewed conference proceedings: 0

- Books and in book chapters: 0

  • ERC members attended/led 47 scientific conferences/workshops, and gave 50 seminars/colloquia/invited talks
  • ERC Technology Transfer

    A. Inventions disclosed: 2

  1. “Magnesium metal Particles (Mg)/Polycaprolactone (PCL) nanofiber” (Date of inception: 12/1/2016), Reported by: Narayan Bhattarai
  2. “Use of self-assembled alkylsilane coatings for drug delivery applications” (Date of inception: 2/4/2017), Reported by: Elia Beniash

- 04114 “Mg alloy mesh reinforced polymer/ECM hybrid scaffolds for critical-sized bone defect regeneration” Filing a provisional.  Want to establish IIA with UC.  Doug Nienaber from UC has not been responsive.

- 04127 “Lamination approaches to 3-D fabrication of novel magnesium alloy constructs for biomedical, aerospace, structural, automotive and other functional applications” Holding on this pending further development.

- 04164 “Pneumatic liquid injection approaches to 3-D fabrication of novel magnesium alloy constructs for biomedical, aerospace, structural, automotive and other functional applications” Holding of this pending further development.

B. Patent applications: 4

  • Provisional patent applications filed: 2
  1. V. Shanov, L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, M. Zhang, M. Haase, D. Mast, R. Malik, D. DeArmond, “A Graphene Paper and a Process for Making Graphene Paper and a Graphene with Three Dimensional Structure for High Performance Pseudocapacitor Electrode”, U.S. Provisional Patent Application 62/144922, filed April 09, 2015 (Date of inception: 4/9/2016), Reported by: Vesselin Shanov
  2. Mark Schulz, Guangfeng Hou, Vianessa Ng, et al., “Manufacturing Nanotube Hybrid Sheet and Yarn by Gas Phase Assembly”, US Provisional Patent Application (Date of inception: 2/24/2017), Reported by: Mark Schulz
  • Full patent applications filed: 2
  1. L. Zhang, N. Alvarez, D. DeArmond, R. Malik, V. Shanov, “Process for Making of Flexible Microsupercapasitor with 3 Dimensional Graphene and Method of Scaling up the Fabrication of 3 Dimensional Graphene”, US Patent Application 62/411,121 (Date of inception: 10/21/2016), Reported by: Vesselin Shanov
  2. N. Alvarez, V. Shanov, W. Heineman, D. Zhao, D. Siebold, “Electrode Assembly for Sensing and Electrochemical Characterization Based on Carbon Nanotube Materials”, US Patent Application 62/350,854 (Date of inception: 6/16/2016), Reported by: Vesselin Shanov

C. Patents awarded: 3

  1. X. Zhu, P. Buca, J. Lee, M. Schulz, S. Sundaramurthy, V. Shanov, “Sensor Sleeve for Health Monitoring of an Article”, Patent No: US Patent 9,582,629 (Date awarded: 2/2/2017), Reported by: Vesselin Shanov
  2. “Biodegradable Metal Alloys”, Patent No: US 9,510,932 B2 (Date awarded: 12/6/2016), Reported by: Prashant Kumta
  3. Yeoheung Yun, Youngmi Koo and Jagannathan Sankar, “CNT Sheet Substrates and Transition Metals Deposited on Same”, Patent No: US 2016/0351918 A1 (Date awarded: 12/1/2016), Reported by: Yeoheung Yun


  • Involvement of state and federal government agencies in the growth of the ERC remains a top priority. Dr. John Hardin, Executive Director of the North Carolina Science and Technology Advisory Board, remains as liaison to the state’s agencies for fiscal support opportunities and as a link that will foster the economic development capacity of the ERC.
  • During this reporting period, various members of the IAB and CSAB worked closely with the ERC technical team on multiple occasions on various aspects, from materials development to prototype devices for translational opportunities. These were done through routine Friday 4:00 pm webinars, teleconferences, and personal visits and through electronic communications.
  • ERC Members continue to participate effectively in global biodegradable standardization committee AC 87
  • Comprehensive testing protocols for the biodegradable Mg metals are being collaboratively developed with IAB members, ASTM, ISO members with characterization and assessment details.
  • Additional members joined CSAB and IAB to streamline the operations and opportunities for the center
  • Industrial Membership agreement procedure initiated during Year 06 is showing strong evidence for success.
  • ERC-RMB projects focused on the science and research innovation from materials development to characterization, with increased emphasis on translation potiential.
  • Center scientists continued to progress on innovative non-biomedical technologies that are being developed or discovered while they investigated fundamental scientific issues in areas such as alloy development, coatings technology, corrosion control, sensor development and miniaturization, and so forth. Potential solutions to key problems discovered in these basic research efforts are also being evaluated in medical device-directed testbeds.
  • The ERC team continued to gain experience and deepen its knowledge base, leading to the development of various Mg-based alloys especially with different processing routes and conditions.
  • ERC-RMB co-sponsors and continue to participate in the various impactful conferences and gatherings, establishing itself as a strong team at the global level
  • Sponsorship and active involvement in Eighth International Biodegradable Metals Conference July 2016, Montreal, Canada

Trans-ERC Activities

  • Continuation during the reporting period of trans-ERC discussions on innovation, entrepreneurship, IP, and legal issues for the benefit of the ERC audience
  • Teleconferencing and webinar organization for research discussions on a routine basis among all partner sites, including participation by industrial partners
  • Teleconferencing at trans-ERC level on regular basis (since Fall 2010) with dozens of students/faculty participating