Bruker AXS D8 Discover X-Ray Diffractometer System

Manufacturer:Bruker AXS
Model:D8 Discover
Type:X-ray diffractometry
Laboratory:X-ray Diffraction Facility
Location:IRC 142
Contact Person:S. Yarmolenko, (336) 285-3225

X-ray diffraction (XRD) is important non-destructive tool for materials characterization. The D8 DISCOVER for Thin Films combines reflectometry and high resolution X-ray diffraction on a vertical diffractometer. Using the new motorized reflectometry stage and the V- shaped monochromator you will benefit of the advantages of Theta/Theta diffraction setup.

Technical Support:
1-800-234-XRAY (9729)

Terms of use: Special training required. Usage record-keeping required. X-ray badges to be assigned for designated users.